After Zong! was downloaded, it can be opened in the Eclipse IDE.

This page describes how to setup Eclipse, so that you can explore, modify, run and test Zong! and explains some recommended settings.

  1. Create a new workspace and select the project's root folder as the workspace directory
  2. TODO




Zong! uses some so-called "user libraries", which must be imported into Eclipse. In "Window -> Preferences", under "Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries", click on "Import...". In the following dialog, click on "Browse..." and select the file lib/lib.userlibraries. Click "OK" to import all libraries.



Java allows different formatting styles. We use a compact format, for example with opening braces at the same line. To let Eclipse know about our formatting style, we have to import it. In "Window -> Preferences", under "Java -> Code Style -> Formatter", click "Import..." and select the file utils/material/Eclipse Java Formatter.xml.