This page describes how to setup Eclipse, and run Zong! and its automated tests. Please follow the steps carefully.

Setup Eclipse

After Zong! was downloaded, it can be opened in the Eclipse IDE. This section describes the steps for getting Zong! up and running.

  1. Install Lombok in Eclipse. Lombok is a library, which allows to write much more concise Java code, e.g. by auto-generating getters and constructors, by extending the compiler.
    Lombok is shipped with Zong!. You can find it in lib/lombok-<version>.jar.
    First, close Eclipse. Then double-click the file to run it (or run java -jar lombok-<version>.jar in the lib directory) to launch its installer. In the dialog, select your Eclipse executable and click "Install / Update". After installing, restart Eclipse and open your Zong! workspace again.





Zong! uses some so-called "user libraries", which must be imported into Eclipse. In "Window -> Preferences", under "Java -> Build Path -> User Libraries", click on "Import...". In the following dialog, click on "Browse..." and select the file lib/lib.userlibraries. Click "OK" to import all libraries.



Java allows different formatting styles. We use a compact format, for example with opening braces at the same line. To let Eclipse know about our formatting style, we have to import it. In "Window -> Preferences", under "Java -> Code Style -> Formatter", click "Import..." and select the file utils/material/Eclipse Java Formatter.xml.