Sprint names

Sprint names

This page lists possible sprint names, based on composers and entities of the European history of music.

It will be updated with new names when required.


Most of the following information was gathered from the excellent DTV Atlas Musik.

0.1 Prehistory

The era around 200,000 to 3,000 BC. No composers are known, so these iterations are mainly named after instruments of that time.

  • Chant: Chanting was the earliest form of making some sort of music, e.g. by imitating animal sounds and bird calls
  • Beat: Stamping feet and clapping hands was the first form of creating some rhythm
  • Rattle: First rattles were made of stones, wood and metal
  • Drum: Hollow tree trunks were the first form of drums
  • Flute: Pieces of reed were used for creating flutes
  • Horn: Animal horns, e.g. from cows, were used as signal and music instruments
  • Bow: Shooting bows were the beginning of all string instruments
  • Lur: A curved trombone-like metal instrument, found in Scandinavia
  • Bullroarer: An aerophone used for rites and for communicating over great distances
  • Stonehenge: A prehistoric monument in England

0.2 Antiquity

This version is named after the greek antiquity, around 3,000 to 700 BC, and the late antiquity that ends around 800 AD. The iterations are named after gods, muses, instruments and composers of that time. The muses are daughters of Zeus and are the godesses of the inspiration for music, language, dance and sciences.

  • Apollo: The favorite son of Zeus, and god of music and poetry
  • Dionysos : Another son of Zeus, and god of dance and theatre
  • Clio: The muse of history and heroic songs
  • Calliope: The muse of poetry
  • Melpomene: The muse of tragedy
  • Thalia: The muse of comedy
  • Urania: The muse of astronomy
  • Terpsichore: The music of chorus and dance
  • Erato: The muse of love poetry
  • Euterpe: The muse of musical arts and flutes
  • Polyhymnia: The muse of chant and hymns
  • Kithara: A lyre instrument, from the 7th century BC
  • Lyra: A stringed instrument
  • Aulos: A wood or brass instrument with a double reed
  • Syrinx: A pan pipe instrument
  • Salpinx: A trumpet-like brass instrument, used for signalling
  • Xylophon: A percussion instrument with wooden bars
  • Hymnos: A ceremonial poem, accompanied by kithara
  • Ktesibios: 285 - 222 BC, engineer in Alexandria, inventor of the water organ
  • Ambrosius: 340 - 397, archbishop of Milano, promoted the antiphonal chant
  • Euclid: 3rd century BC, Alexandria, contributed to the music theory
  • Augustinus: 354 - 430, theologian and philosopher. He wrote "De Musica", an important contribution to music theory (rhythm) 
  • Gregorius: 590 - 604, pope, made liturgical reforms. Gregorian chant is named after him

0.3 Medieval

The mediaval period starts in the middle of the first millennial and ends around 1400 AC. The iterations are named after both clerical and secular composers of that time.

  • No names defined yet

0.4 Renaissance

This is the epoch between 1400 and 1600.

  • No names defined yet

0.5 Baroque

This is the epoch between 1600 and 1760.

  • No names defined yet

0.6 Classical

This is the epoch between 1730 and 1820.

  • No names defined yet

0.7 Romantic

This is the epoch between 1815 and 1910.

  • No names defined yet

0.8 Twentieth

This version is named after the music of the 20th century.

  • No names defined yet

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