Beam notations and fragments

Beam notations and fragments

The above image shows two groups of beamed notes. Each group is stored in a Beam instance. For each of these two beams, the BeamNotator creates an BeamNotation during the layout process.

A BeamNotation consists of a number of Fragments. For each point where a beam line (16th, 32nd, 64th, ...) crosses a stem, the BeamFragmenter computes a Fragment. For the 8th line, no fragments have to be computed, since this line is always continuous. The possible fragments are:

  • Start: A continuous line starts here.
  • End: A continuous line ends here.
  • HookLeft: Just a hook at the left side.
  • HookRight: Just a hook at the right side.
  • None: No beam line or within a continuous line.

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